Ansoff Matrix of Tutor2u

Tutor2u is one of the famous Online Educational publishers. The company provides the comprehensive and broad range of supporting resources and some services to students, teachers, educational communities and parents. The company is operating to provide the services of...

Ansoff Matrix of Under Armour

Under Armour Inc is a big name in sports, casual apparel and footwear. It is an American manufacturing company located in Maryland. The company has different offices and global headquarters in different parts of the world. It is a sports apparel company which is...

Ansoff Matrix of Toys R Us

Toys R Us is a big name in kids and baby stuffs. The company deals in baby products, clothes, toys etc. It is known as one of the biggest children’s product retailer. The company was formed in United States in 1948. It also runs the portfolio of an e-commerce sites....

Ansoff Matrix of Kodak

In 1880, Kodak was founded by “George Eastman” in America. The company is popular for manufacturing camera related products. The headquarter of the Kodak is located in New York. Market Penetration In 2012, the company had closed its 13 manufacturing plants in the U.S...

Ansoff Matrix of Louis Vuitton

In 1854, the label of Louis Vuitton was discovered by “Vuitton” on Rue Nuevo des Capuchins in Paris. Louis Vuitton is one of the world’s famous luxury brands for leather goods like handbags, trunks, perfumes, accessories, sunglasses, shoes and watches. The...

Ansoff Matrix of Ola

On 3rd December 2010, Ola was established in Mumbai as an online taxi aggregator that is currently situated in Bengaluru. In 2019, the company has expanded a network of 1.t million drivers in around 250 cities. In November 2014, the company changed itself into...